9月24日,2024世界计算大会在长沙开幕,这是湖南连续6年举办世界计算大会。本次大会为期2天,以“智算万物 湘约未来——算出新质生产力”为主题,共设置1场开幕式暨主题报告会,12场专题活动、1场创新大赛和1场成果展示。
On September 24, the 2024 World Computing Conference opened in Changsha, marking the sixth consecutive year that Hunan has hosted the event. With the theme of "Calculating the World to Create a New Era – Calculating the New Quality Productive Forces", the conference will last for 2 days, with an opening ceremony and a keynote seminar, 12 themed activities, 1 innovation competition and 1 themed exhibition to be held.