

The 2024 China New Media Conference (CNMC) will be held in Changsha on October 15 and 16. The conference will focus on learning, publicizing, and implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. It will discuss the mainstream media's positive thinking and innovative initiatives to deepen the reform in such areas as content innovation, international communication, social responsibility, and technology application. For the first time, some media representatives from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan will be invited to participate in the conference.


CNMC is a national authoritative platform and annual industry event approved by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee. It aims to unite and lead the new media sector and its practitioners to promote the comprehensive integration and systematic evolution of the media landscape. The meeting has been held for five sessions since 2018.


Themed "New Missions, New Mechanisms, New Changes", CNMC will be held in the form of "1+6+4" activities, namely one opening ceremony and main forum, six parallel forums, and four thematic activities. In specific:
本届大会以“新使命 新机制 新变革”为主题,设置“1+6+4”活动框架,包括1场开幕式暨主论坛,6场平行论坛,及4场主题活动,分别是:

The six parallel forums are respectively themed "Promoting All-Media Production and All-Media Communication", "Building a More Effective International Communication System", "Building New Media Responsibility in the Digital Era", "Integration and Innovation, Intelligent Communication", "Media Integration Empowers Social Governance", and "New Ecology of Cultural Heritage and New Expression of Smart Digital".
6场平行论坛分别为“推动全媒体生产 促进全媒体传播”论坛、“构建更有效力的国际传播体系”论坛、“共筑数字时代的新媒体责任”论坛、“融合创新 智慧传播”论坛、“媒体融合赋能社会治理”论坛、“文博新生态 数智新表达”论坛。

The four thematic activities include the "Culture and Sci-Tech Integration to Boost New Cultural Industries" — Malanshan Time Cultural and Creative Event; the 2024 China New Media Technology Exhibition; the Second Annual Working Meeting of the New Media Professional Committee of the All-China Journalists Association; and, the Specialized Training Course on "Strengthening the Four Forces to Promote Deeper Integration".

4场主题活动分别为“文化和科技融合 催生文化新业态”马栏山时间文创活动、2024中国新媒体技术展、中国记协新媒体专业委员会第二届委员会年度工作会、“强‘四力’ 促深融”专题培训班。

CNMC is sponsored by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, jointly organized by the All-China Journalists Association and the People's Government of Hunan Province, and undertaken by the New Media Professional Committee of the All-China Journalists Association, the Publicity Department of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee, the Office of Cyberspace Affairs Commission of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee, the Hunan Provincial Radio and Television Bureau, the Hunan Provincial Journalists Association, and the People's Government of Changsha City.


【Author:Hu Xueyi, Yu Jiangjiang】 【Editor:李苏璇】