Photo: Courtesy of Mango TV
For the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland, multiple films and TV series have been released in tribute. "With the ongoing integration of the Greater Bay Area, film exchanges between the Chinese mainland and Macao are undergoing rapid and positive development," Zuo Heng, a professor from the China Film Art Research Center, told the Global Times.
为庆祝澳门回归祖国 25 周年,近期有多部精心制作的影片及电视节目上线推出。“随着粤港澳大湾区一体化进程的推进,内地与澳门电影行业之间的交流正处于快速且积极的发展态势。” 中国电影艺术研究中心教授左衡在接受《环球时报》采访时表示。
The TV series Begin Again, which began airing on CCTV-1 and Mango TV on Wednesday, focuses on the lives of young people in Macao, depicting stories of "love and courage" intertwined through the "unexpected encounters" of mainland youths who come to Macao. The series also offers a glimpse of Macao's scenic beauty and its cultural atmosphere.
电视剧《灿烂的风和海》于 12 月 18 日在央视一套首播,芒果 TV 同步播出。该剧聚焦澳门年轻人的生活,讲述了来澳青年在澳门的奇遇经历,以及他们在其中收获爱与勇气的故事。该剧还展现了澳门美丽的自然风光和浓郁的文化氛围。
The mainland produced the film Promise of Decades, simultaneously released in Hong Kong and Macao administrative regions, tells a love story spanning over 20 years, reflecting the progress and development of Macao since its return to China. Meanwhile, the movie The Fortune Tower, to be released on Thursday, portrays the life experiences of two generations of Macao residents and their deep love for their hometown and the motherland.
电影《多想和你再见一面》在港澳同步上映,聚焦一段长达 20 年的动人爱情故事,展现了澳门回归后积极向上的发展景象。12 月 19 日上映的电影《幸运阁》,则呈现了两代澳门人的生活经历以及他们对家乡和祖国的热爱之情。
"In recent years, co-produced films have become the mainstream method for promoting film exchanges between the mainland and Macao," Zuo noted. "Through collaboration, filmmakers are not only able to blend the cultural essence of both regions but also achieve resource complementarity and mutual benefits."
“近年来,合拍片已成为内地与澳门电影行业之间交流的主要形式。” 左衡指出,“通过合作,电影人不仅能够融合两地的文化精华,还能实现资源互补和互利共赢。”
Zuo pointed out that Macao's film industry started early, with its earliest works dating back to 1995. At that time, although the industry was still in its infancy, many mainland creators had already gotten involved. As the industry in Macao gradually developed, its unique cultural characteristics began to emerge.
左衡指出,澳门电影产业起步相对较早,其最早的作品可追溯至 1995 年。虽然当时电影行业尚处于起步阶段,但已有许多内地创作者参与其中。随着澳门电影产业的逐步发展,其独特的文化特色也逐渐显现出来。
"Over the past few decades, Macao has been highly receptive to film creation, especially in terms of the rapid pace of cultural integration," Zuo said.
“在过去的几十年里,澳门一直对电影创作持非常欢迎的态度,尤其是在文化融合方面的速度相当快。” 左衡表示。
With the advancement of the Greater Bay Area development, culture has been recognized as one of the key links to promote overall development. Macao, with its open and free environment, holds a unique advantage as a platform for both bringing foreign films into China and introducing Chinese films to the world, according to a report by CCTV.
Zuo noted that cross-regional collaboration, with its diverse cultural backgrounds, creative methods, and resource sharing, offers more possibilities for film creation.